Nanea's Accessories

Nanea brings these lovely things almost everywhere she goes! 
Aren't they the cutest?

A gorgeous necklace of pretty speckled-blue faux nerite shells. These are small, often brightly colored shells belonging to the large sea snail family.  So pretty! 

A cloth handbag made of palaka, a popular fabric worn by Hawaiian plantation workers. The ID pouch made from the same fabric.

An ID card with Nanea's name, address, and fingerprints—all islanders had to carry these during the war

An “airmail” envelope and letter from Nanea’s friend Donna, whose family had to return to the mainland. 

Pretend money; during the war, money in Hawaii had the word “Hawaii” stamped on one side

Two special pins. One with her name and the other that says "Remember Pearl Harbor".

The cute orange bag was a special gift that was given on the Saturday celebration for Nanea. I'm so glad we went to the event
                                                         Mahalo Nui Loa


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