Prints in the Sand

Prints in the Sand: My Journey with Nanea 

I love this book. It's so different from other books. Depending on what path you choose you are reading a different story. Like choosing to do baby sitting or go to the book drive. 

The story is told by a girl that we don't know. Not ever her name. But before long I realized that that girl is me. I am traveling back in time to Honolulu during World War II. An amazing trip. I learned the hula. I met Nanea's mommy, her Tutu (grandma) & Tutu Kane (grandpa). I met her sister. But the best part is that I met Nanea. I became her friend and slept over at her house. I love Nanea. The next time I read this book I am going to read it to Nanea and let her choose the story path.

This is Nanea's dog Mele. Her name means "Song". She is so cute. 

Mahalo Nui


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